Screenmaster Pittosporums

Did you know that Greenhill Nursery is the only licenced propagator and grower of Screenmaster Pittosporums in Tasmania?
The Screenmaster is considered a superior pittosporum to Silver Sheen and James Sterling, with a stronger growth rate and slightly thicker stems that make them a tougher plant for your garden.
They can grow up to 1 metre per year but they are best grown in a well-drained area. If your garden is a little damp then just mound up the soil to a height of 15cm and plant your new plants into the mound. Space your plants 1 metre apart, or 75cm for a quicker result.
Why buy Screenmaster pittosporums from Greenhill Nursery?
You may find cheaper and taller Screenmaster for sale in other nurseries, but these plants will have been imported from the mainland and are generally grown under inferior conditions.
Many mainland nurseries force grow their pittosporums under cover and feed them loads of fertiliser to make them tall and spindly.
At Greenhill Nursery we grow all of our Screenmaster pittosporums outside in the cold mountain air which makes them hardy plants, and well adapted to Tasmanian conditions.
This means you should get a great result by sourcing your Screenmaster from Greenhill!
What sizes are Screenmaster available in?
- 14cm pot for $12.95
- 20cm pot for $24.95
- 25cm pot for $44.95
- 33cm pot for $99.00
- 75L Bag for $285.00
Bulk discounts also apply, visit our discounts page for more info.